

here we are....

after living in asia for five and half years we have landed back in the states.  it's exciting, scary, emotional, uncertain, but also good.  it's really the best for us right now and that's what matters most at the moment.

we felt a move was inevitable, but was not sure when/where/how, etc.  we made the decision jan 10th that the states was where we should be and sooner than later.  paul had been looking for a job and it seemed more advantageous to be in the states rather than in cambodia.  before we left he had offers which was reassuring, we just had to move us and all our things to the states to secure such offers.  in three weeks time, we packed up our life in phnom penh, bought one way flights to houston, said goodbyes to friends, and got in a plane (barely) with our kitties in tow.  after 32 hours of travel, we landed in houston with no return ticket to asia.  it was weird and surreal.  the next day we bought a car and spent the rest of the week sorting out details for our life back in the states before loading up the car (very full with wedding presents and stuff) and driving to nashville.  we stopped over in memphis for the night before arriving at our r & j's house where we would stay until we found our own place.

paul accepted a job one month after we made the decision to leave cambodia and we found an apartment the day before.  God was making a path we just needed to follow it and be obedient.  a week and half later we moved in what he had to our new apartment which we love.  we bought a bed and had it delivered too.  we just had to order some furniture from a local company that makes trips to IKEA in atlanta every few weeks.

so here we are....beginning a new chapter in our journey in nashville, tennessee.  it's been just over a month since we said "see you later" to asia and left many good friends behind, but God promises hope in obedience to His plan.  it was hard and bittersweet, but we are looking forward to what's next as we follow Him.  

1 comment:

  1. You made a great choice. Am so glad that you and Paul did
